Paradise English Visits San Isidro Village


Great fun had by staff and students of Paradise English School as we traveled to the village of San Isidro, Antique for an afternoon of fun with the community and also to visit little Janeth and her family.


Study English in the Philippines – Help Local Community

The owners of Paradise English Steph and Claus Bauer took to their hearts some years ago a little village that had been almost entirely destroyed by typhoon Yolanda. Homes were displaced and this community had been ravaged by this violent storm.
When Claus came across this village, he wanted to help in whatever way he could, so he organised the building of a school and helped with some of the problems this community had suffered.
Since that time Steph and Clause have created a strong link with the village and have been involved for some 5 years.

Recently during a visit, Claus came across a family with 5 children and their mother Evelyn who was struggling to bring them up the best she could. One of the little girls in the family had a severe heart problem and is very thin. The cost of performing any operation is way out of reach for this mother and all she could do is slowly watch her little girl deteriorate.
As a father, Claus could not stand by and let this happen. Doing nothing is not Clauses or Stephs way.
Apart from setting up a fund for 8 year old Janeth, the have been there in a supporting roll and doing  what they can even though they are living in Canada.

When Steph flew over from Canada a few weeks ago, she organised a visit to the village of San Isidro by the teachers, staff and students of Paradise English.
We played games and shared lunch with the local community. The pictures illustrate the day and how teachers and students alike integrated with the children and parents of the village.
This day was a day of showing love and support for people who are not as privilaged as others and their gratitude was overwhelming.
A beautiful day. We hope it lifted the spirits of Janeth as she was watching from the side, absorbing the fun and games.