Learning English Tips. 3 Areas of Mastering Reading.

by Jerold and Catleya 

Reading is one of the four macro skills that is necessary for effective communication. People read for a myriad of reasons.

Why Do People Read?

Some read to acquire essential information and discover new knowledge, some read to find pleasure and pass the time and some read to find a new world and be connected to it. In addition, reading becomes a requisite in our daily lives. We have to read news articles, a menu at a restaurant, travel brochures, travel notices and announcements, e-mail, etc.

In learning English as a second language, reading is a significant skill that students have to fundamentally learn and improve. But It takes some time before one can achieve effective comprehension.

1. Phonemic awareness.

Awareness of the English phonemes is the most basic and prime element to successful reading. Readers should learn to distinguish sounds that make up the language. From these sounds, they could form a meaningful word or sentence which will certainly help them decipher longer written texts.

2. Vocabulary Power.

It is inevitable for a reader to encounter new and difficult words in every text they read. Thus, one should be equipped with considerable vocabulary. There are multiple ways to widen and strengthen one’s vocabulary like listing down synonyms and antonyms and getting acquainted with affixes and root words.  Learning contextual clues as well is an advisable reading strategy to every reader in comprehending written pieces.

3. Complexity of the Text.

Learning is a gradual process, so is reading. Readers must start exploring simpler reading materials before proceeding to more complicated ones. In the beginning, they could try some children’s books and stories which have shorter passages and simpler vocabulary, then venture to some longer reading materials like newspapers, magazines and novels. Your interest in a particular genre of reading materials should also be considered.

To conclude,

Reading is an important communication skill that everyone has to learn. Reading proficiency is achieved if one knows system of English phonetics and has great vocabulary. A reader should explore simpler passages to more difficult ones. Moreover, reading comprehension can be achieved if one is keen on what he or she reads. The best advice we can give is that one has to love reading not only as a tool for communication but also a door to discover the complexity and beauty of the world.

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